Price : र9,00,000 Pakistan Mivida Islamabad
23-12-22 0 Hits

According to a report by The Express Tribune, the city of Mivida is set to become the capital of the new province of Pakistan. This has caught the ire of many people who have voiced their concerns that the city does not meet all the necessary requirements. Among these requirements are that the city be at least 250 kilometers from any other major Pakistani city, and that it have a population of at least 500,000. Mivida falls short on both counts. It is located 220 kilometers from Islamabad and only has a population of around 350,000. The provincial government has stated that they will move forward with the plan regardless, but there has been public outcry over this decision. Many feel that Mivida was chosen simply because it is more populous than other potential candidates and less controversial. Others are concerned about what this means for Karachi, which will now be significantly reduced in importance.

Mivida City Islamabad Master Plan 

The proposed Mivida City Islamabad Master Plan was first conceived in 2000 by the then Mayor of Islamabad, Shaikh Khalid Mahmood. The plan envisages the construction of a new city located on the foothills of the Himalayas to serve as the administrative and commercial center for Islamabad and its surrounding districts. A total of 1,500 hectares have been earmarked for development in Mivida City Islamabad, which is projected to have a population of over one million people. The Karachi-based architectural firm ARCHITECTURE FIRM has been contracted to design Mivida City Islamabad, which is expected to be completed by 2020. The city will be divided into several zones based on residential, commercial, and industrial needs. A number of major infrastructure projects are currently underway or planned for Mivida City Islamabad including a new airport, a seaport, and a railway station. While many aspects of the Mivida City Islamabad Master Plan have yet to be finalized, it is clear that this ambitious project has the potential to become a major catalyst for economic growth and development in Pakistan's capital city.



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